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We are not self-centered. We just strive to be centered in the Self.


Educational and transformational retreats focused on discovery of the Self through the practice of comprehensive yogic techniques.

Yoga offers transformative effects through a dedicated practice. Attend a Beyond the Pose yoga retreat to dive deeper into the teachings of yoga and make profound shifts in your life.

A comprehensive understanding and practice of yoga will:

Provide you with more peace

Bring meaning and depth to human connection

Increase your

relationship with Self

What if I told you that yoga was originally defined as the control of thought-waves in the mind? What if I told you that yoga for exercise is only 12% of yoga as it was presented to us around the 2nd century BC?

Brianna McKernon

Beyond the Pose
Yoga Retreat

An Exploration of Consciousness Offered to Us Through Classical Ashtanga Yoga.

This week-long retreat is unlike your typical yoga retreat. With educational workshops, guided practices, and self-study, you will walk away with a set of age-old yogic practices and knowledge that you will utilize far beyond this experience to transform your life in unimaginable ways.

Breath Work_edited.jpg
Postural Alignment

Beyond the Pose is tailored toward the individual that is seeking to deepen their spiritual practice and gain the wisdom that comes with taking a yoga teacher training course without having the desire to teach. This retreat is perfect for you if you:

  • have a physical yoga practice, intuitively know there is more to yoga,
    and want to deepen your practice to reap all of the benefits of yoga;

  • are eager to explore consciousness;

  • are committed to personal development;

  • want to gain a better understanding of your true Self;

  • are always looking for things that will bring more ease and equanimity to life;

  • yearn for the ability to connect more deeply with others.


Upcoming Locations & Dates

Montezuma, Costa Rica

July 13-20


September 14-21

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