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We believe life’s purpose lies in deep connection with all that is and starts with a profound communion with one's Self. Our experience has shown us that through mindfulness and diligent yogic practices, we are able to successfully still the body and quiet the mind; allowing the true Self to emerge. In becoming familiar with the qualities of our true Self, we are able to recognize this same essence in others and truly see them and be seen.


Classical Ashtanga Yoga

Our methodology is deeply rooted in the Classical Ashtanga Yoga tradition, emphasizing a holistic view of yoga that transcends mere physical exercise. At the heart of our retreats lies the systematic practice outlined by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras, with a focus on the transformative power of the 8 limbs of yoga. Our goal is to guide participants beyond physical and mental identifications, fostering a profound journey of self-exploration.

Self-Inquiry and Sharing

Our approach embraces the transformative practice of self-study, leveraging it as a key tool for unveiling the layers that obscure our true Self. Coupled with this, we value the process of sharing reflections post-inquiry, fostering an environment of vulnerability and visibility. This method helps dismantle our conditioned selves, offering a pathway to genuine Self-discovery and connection.

Yoga Postures

Our approach to practicing postural yoga is slow, methodical, and therapeutic, utilizing dynamic tension to build strength within the body. At the core of our practice is the pursuit of embodiment and finding comfort within the discomfort. We use the breath as a powerful tool to bridge the body and mind. This breath-based movement practice aims to quiet the mind, preparing us for further self-exploration.

Our mission is to introduce the comprehensive eight-limbed path of yoga to the Western world, bringing attention to the ultimate aim of yoga and its profound benefits when practiced diligently.


We envision a world where deep connection and Self-realization are accessible to everyone. A world where the ancient wisdom of yoga enriches lives not just on the mat but in every moment, fostering a global community that thrives on authenticity, mutual respect, and compassion.



We cultivate a safe space for growth and transformation, where seeing others and allowing one's Self to be seen is the ultimate act of love.


We trust in the gentle unveiling of the Self through disciplined consistency, recognizing that true progress and discovery stem from a committed and steady practice.


We infuse joy and exploration into our retreats, encouraging a playful approach to discovery and growth.

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